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Earth, our home, is the
third planet from the sun. It is the densest and fifth-largest of the
eight planets in the Solar System. It is the only planet known to have
an atmosphere containing free oxygen, oceans of liquid water on its
surface, and, of course, life.
Earth is the fifth largest of the planets in the solar system — smaller than the four gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus andNeptune, but larger than the three other rocky planets,
Earth is the fifth largest of the planets in the solar system — smaller than the four gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus andNeptune, but larger than the three other rocky planets,
Mercury, Mars andVenus
formation of earth :
Scientists think Earth was formed at roughly the same time as the sun
and other planets some 4.6 billion years ago, when the solar system
coalesced from a giant, rotating cloud of gas and dust known as the
solar nebula.
Earth started off as a waterless mass of rock. Radioactive
materials in the rock and increasing pressure deep within the Earth
generated enough heat to melt Earth's interior, causing some chemicals
to rise
to the surface and form water, while others became the gases of
the atmosphere. Recent evidence suggests that Earth's crust and oceans
may have formed within about 200 million years after the planet had
taken shape.
Earth's atmosphere and temparature :
Earth's atmosphere is roughly 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen,
with trace amounts of water, argon, carbon dioxide
and other gases.
Nowhere else in the solar system can one find an atmosphere loaded with
free oxygen, which ultimately proved vital to one of the other unique
features of Earth Water vapor, carbon dioxide and other gases in the
atmosphere trap heat from the sun, warming Earth. Without this so-called
"greenhouse effect," Earth would probably be too cold for life to
exist, although a runaway greenhouse effect led to the hellish
conditions now seen on Venus.
The average temperature on Earth is about
61 degrees F (16 C).
But temperatures vary greatly around the world
depending on the time of year, ocean and wind currents and weather
conditions. Summers tend to be warmer and winters colder. Also,
temperatures tend to be higher near the equator and lower near the
structure of earth
Earth has multiple layers. The ocean basins and the continents compose
the crust, the outermost layer. Earth's crust is between three and 46
miles (five and 75 km) deep.
The thickest parts are under the continents
the thinnest parts are under the oceans.
Earth's crust is made up of several elements: iron, 32 percent; oxygen,
30 percent; silicon, 15 percent; magnesium, 14 percent; sulfur, 3
percent; nickel, 2 percent; and trace amounts of calcium, aluminum and
other elements.The crust is divided into huge plates that float on the
mantle, the next layer. The plates are constantly in motion; they move
at about the same rate as fingernails grow.
Earthquakes occur when these
plates grind against each other. Mountains form when the plates collide
and deep trenches form when one plate slides under another
plate. Plate
tectonics is the theory explaining the motion of these plates.
At the center of the Earth is the core, which has two parts. The solid,
inner core of iron has a radius of about 760 miles (about 1,220 km). It
is surrounded by a liquid, outer core composed of a nickel-iron alloy.
It is about 1,355 miles (2,180 km) thick.
The inner core spins at a
different speed than the rest of the planet. This is
thought to cause
Earth's magnetic field. When charged particles from the solar wind
collide with air molecules above Earth's magnetic poles, it causes the
air molecules to glow, causing the auroras — the northern and southern
Earth's moon:
Earth's moon is 2,159 miles (3,474 km) wide, about one-fourth of Earth's
Earth has one moon, while Mercury and Venus have none and all
the other planets in our solar system have two or more.
lifeform on earth :
Earth is the only planet in the universe known to possess life. There
are several million known species of life, ranging from the bottom of
the deepest ocean to a few miles into the atmosphere, and scientists
think far more remain to be discovered.
Scientists figure there are
between 5 million and 100 million species on
Earth, but science has only
identified about 2 million of them .Tagged as: General Knowledge

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